Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Argument for the Existence of God from Time

The Argument from Time 

·         Premise 1: We can speak meaningfully of events past, present, and future. 

·         Premise 2: Meaningful propositions can be either true or false.

·         Premise 3: True propositions are true insofar as they reflect reality. False propositions are false insofar as they fail to reflect reality.

·         Premise 4: Though from the Classical Theist perspective, this statement would be grammatically problematic, for the atheist:
- Reality exists.

·         Premise 5: The proposition "X happened in the past" can be meaningful insofar as it can:
a) Reflect reality, or
b) Fail to reflect reality
- If (a), the past event X must in some sense, therefore, exist
because reality exists (P4)

·         Premise 6: In order for Proposition "X happened in the past" to reflect reality, there must be some sense in which that which the proposition reflects exists, that it might reflect existent reality (P4).

·         Premise 7: Nothing temporal (that is, subject to or contingent upon a mode of temporality) can account for the veracity of proposition "X happened in the past" because temporally contingent realities by their nature are "governed" (existentially) by that which requires accountability, that is, the existent past, present, and future. 

·         Premise 8: Only a reality whose nature is eternal can account for the existence of past (and future) such that propositions relating to which can be meaningful. 

·         Premise 9: Eternality, therefore, cannot be affected by temporality but must sustain the three dynamics of temporality in existence.

Conclusion: Therefore, there must exist eternal reality amongst temporal realities that sustain temporal existence, yet is unaffected by temporal reality, and this is what we call God.

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